1. 1 – Time to Market
  2. 2 – Cost Savings
  3. 3 – Rapid Validation
  4. 4 – Avoid Mistakes
  5. 5 – Establish Foundation
  6. 6 – Initiate Marketing


Step 1

Review Prototype and
Business Priorities

The prototype is reviewed and alignment with business priorities is confirmed with stakeholders.

Plan Project and
Document Tasks

From milestones defined to dependencies reviewed, all aspects of the project are road mapped. Tasks are then technically documented for the engineer teams to execute the software build.

Step 2

Step 3

Infrastructure and
Pipeline Provisioning

Provision of a small cloud services infrastructure and environments for the rapid and continuous build process.

Execute Build

The engineering staff of the technology fit was assigned to the team to deliver the project from build to qa to release.

Step 4

Step 5


Testing to confirm fulfillment of business priorities.

Go Live

Training and deployment into the production environment.

Step 6

Step 7


Roll out marketing plan.

What You Get

  1. Market Ready Application – Your application will be launched to targeted limited market.
  2. Feedback – Tools to collect and provide feedback on usage patterns.
  3. Next – Based on the feedback, SaaSberry’s team will iterate the application to future versions.
  4. Marketing Plan – Our experts will help you develop the right marketing plan to maximize your budget to achieve the greatest impact.